s  u  f  f  o  c  a  t  i  n  g
Suffocating. A project by me and Mahoney for his up and coming, debut album "Corpus Callosum".  The feel of the song was very dark and depressing, suddenly a deeper realisation of reality was apparent. The song focusses on current affairs that are not highlighted in maintream media, and looking at these ignored issues from another angle, no so apparent. The Direction of the visuals were taken to a very old and dark view, taking the location to an abandoned slaughterhouse, the candles were set-up and we shot.  The project was premiered on Noisey.
"Life is strange. One minute you're riding on the high of a rollercoaster, twisting and turning through experiences, the next you're rattling down to a concrete abyss, wondering exactly what's happened and trying to pick up the pieces. The writer and famed drug user Hunter S. Thomson once said that "there's no such thing as paranoia - your worst fears can come true at any moment". And he's right. Life can unwantingly break into tiny fragments of intangible moments from one day to the next.
We're not sure exactly what happened to UK artist Mahoney, but he tells us that "certain things happened in [his] life which greatly changed [his] perceptions and the way [he] perceived the world". As a result, "Suffocating" is his debut single under his real name, rather than an alias. It's the first track Mahoney wrote without the use of paper, "drawing experiences and emotions straight from [his] thoughts so they were unfiltered". The result shows. Backed with production from E.lementaL, it's an affecting track; seeped in solitude and the snatches of time that are neither here or nor there spent pondering on reality and the things that happen to us when we're least expecting it. There's also hella candles in the video, which is nice too." - Ryan Bassil for Noisey/Vice
Press Photos
Direction - XTUX/Alex Frances
Photography - Alex Frances
Design - Alex Frances
Filmed by - Alex Frances
Blogged by - Ryan Bassil for Noisey
Client - Mahoney

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